Welcome to this asynchronous workshop (meaning, you can take it in your own time from wherever you are) on Integrating Creative Commons Material into your Course(s).
There are three main sections for this workshop, in addition to the Start Here section, and you can access each section using the menu in the navigation bar at the top of this page.
The first section is Introduction to Creative Commons (CC) and CC Licensing. In this section, you will learn the basics of what Creative Commons is, as well as the 6 main license types and what they cover.
The second section is Finding CC Licensed Content for your Course. In this section I will show you some useful places to find CC licensed material for a variety of topics. I will also invite you to submit your own sources related to your discipline so we can begin building the resources for this course.
And the third section is Creating/Revising Materials and Licensing them as OER. In this section, I will talk a little about how to use the 5Rs of creative commons to create Open Educational Resources (OER) and licensing them appropriately, and I will be inviting you to share your creations with the world.
Unless otherwise noted, material in this course is a mixture of my own original content and content pulled from a number of other CC-licensed sources. Attributions are listed at the bottom of each section.
Now, get started by clicking Start Here in the menu!
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